
Vision experiments

2024-05-17, ds

Some suggestions for v1.0 of getting data

Feel free to add, chop, change (esp re BO maps, noise scansm etc) - just putting down some ideas for stimuli, order etc that I think will work well first time around.

Ethics: Developement ethics. SPMIC. @Sue.

Project: UHFVIS / UHFVIS UHF scheme (14h)

Plan for around ~10min of setup at start.

  1. anatomy et al scans
    • PSIR / MP2RAGE, 1mm isotropic or higher-res (X minutes)
    • T2* high-res? (at end?)
    • B0? field map or topup versions with PE direction flipped on two scans
  2. functional stuff

    • 2d GE-EPI, visual cortex coverage, 1mm isotropic, MB factor=?, ~TR=? TE=25ms, # slices

    • ~4 min duration (to keep participants awake?)

    • include noise scan for NORDIC
    • add tSNR scan (10 dynamics, no stim?)

    • could try 3d GE-EPI, visual cortex coverage, <1mm isotropic?, ~TR=? TE=25ms, coverage?


Visual stim code hosted at https://github.com/schluppeck/7T-visual-code (email me for renewing invites, if you are interested in the details / VPIXX stuff…)

Timings around [12s rest, 12s stim] to [15s rest, 15s stim]. Synced to multiples of TR (as per usual).