




Using freesurfer segmenations

To make things a bit quicker here, I have already run a freesurfer segmentation on the whole head MPRAGE for this participant.

At UoN, the convention is that participants get a unique 5 digit ID (^\d{5}). Here, I will use the made-up ID 55555.

recon-all -subjid 55555 -i dafni_01_FSL_7_1.nii -all

There is good integration of freesurfer segmentations and surfaces into mrTools - for background and detailed explanations see the flatmap & surface tutorial

To get everything into the correct space for mrTools to work there is also a step using mlrImportFreesurfer(), which has already been done here:

% where my freesurfer seg ended up
cd /data/anatomy/freesurfer/subjects/55555
mlrImportFreesurfer() % accept suggestions

% and see resulting folder
ls /data/anatomy/freesurfer/subjects/55555/surfRelax


:exclamation: To make things easier in the long run, it’s a good idea to make the _mprage_pp image the default base anatomy image for that participant.

This file is not the same as the file used for input to freesurfer / recon-all (it’s padded to a consistent size and the intensities have been normalised, etc).